Friday, 7 May 2010

Labels for food safety

Japanese design agency TO-GENKYO has designed an innovative hourglass shaped label for packaged meat which uses a special ink that changes color as ammonia is released inside the package. As the meat ages, it releases increasing amounts of the substance, obscuring the barcode at the bottom. Customers can quickly see if the meat is going bad – and when the barcode becomes completely covered, it can’t be scanned.


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Pencil real life?

This amazing art from Paul Lung has to be seen to be believed! These are pencil drawings not photos! I couldn't believe it, can you?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Dollar Bill Fun

Two brilliant French artists, Ivan Duval and Jean Sebastien Ides, show us how to have fun with one dollar bill.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Glee Flashmob

I saw this on 23red's blog and was pleased to see the flashmob is back! this one to advertise the new series of Glee starting! I'll be watching.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

This video is why i wished i was at university in the US. Just looks brilliant!

Stephane Perche

I am now trying to blog as much as possible. Hopefully will remember!
This is my latest discovery. Stephane Perche is a French designer. I'm not really sue about much else as I am struggling to find her online- my french is limited! These posters are beautiful. The colour use, the strong type and combination's of lines are lovely. Inspiration for the next project maybe?

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Real life Nostalgia

These images from looking into the past, Jason Powell, are beautiful. I think id be able to do this with a lot of my old photos from when I was a child. Great idea.