Another competition brief chosen from the D&AD briefs. I chose The Body Shop's brief which was to up with a campaign to 'reinstate them on the market place as the ethical beauty supplier on the high street'. Originally i designed posters which encouraged people to look beyond skin deep and at their natural beauty, but after tutorials I found that posters are not a campaign! a valuable lesson to learn. so I came up with 'the truth campaign'. The Body Shop pride themselves on being honest and telling the truth about their products and their ingredients so the truth campaign comprises of installations in town centres with the 'true' ingredients on the side of the bottle and tag line; 'Our products won't make you beautiful, or even a nicer person.' The second part of the campaign will be a 'truth booth' also in town, encouraging people to tell their embarrassing truth. The 'truths' will then be anonymously uploaded to the internet for people to read and to realise that, actually, our worries are insignificant!